Area & Perimeter
00:59 - 04:45
3m 46s

Square One TV shows kids how to calculate area and perimeter. The couple must work out the area of their home so they may invite the correct number of guests to their party.


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Square One TV shows kids how to calculate area using a problem. Red Harry wants to make a statement with his artwork, but needs to figure out the dimensions of his art frame.
Has profanity
The CyberSquad notices that something besides the shape of the rollerblading field is different when Hacker changes the field. The group defines both area and perimeter and calculates their respective values using the Squak Pad. They learn that different shapes with the same perimeter can have different areas inside.
Bill demonstrates how to measure the area of different rectangles and the volume of a cube. He explains what the area and volume mean: how much room the shape takes up.
The Eds deliver newspapers to the homes in the cul-de-sac in order to earn money. After running into obstacles such as fences and dogs, they decide to invent an easier and more efficient way of delivering the papers. Their invention malfunctions when Ed throws Eddy's bed into the newspaper machine.
The Doctor needs Clara to act as him now that he is trapped in a shrunken TARDIS. Clara takes advantage of this to call herself the Doctor.